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Who We Are

Solid Core is a pioneering social enterprise dedicated to fostering positive change through Intentional Peer Support courses. We are on a mission not only to advance peer support within the healthcare system but also to extend our impact beyond those boundaries.
Our vision extends to the realm of social isolation, a challenge we aim to conquer by fostering strong alliances among the private, third, and public sectors.

Together, we believe in eliminating social isolation and creating a more connected society.

Join us in being an essential part of our vibrant intentional community.

Solid core

"Peer support is about social change"

The Focus of Our Efforts

“As peer support in mental health proliferates, we must be mindful of our intention: social change. It is not about developing more effective services, but rather about creating dialogues that have influence on all of our understandings, conversations, and relationships.” – Shery Mead, Founder of IPS

Sand Texture

Private - Public - 3rd sector

We strengthen the network between our partners in the private, public and third sector to achieve

regenerative results.

Intentional Peer Support
esport coaching academy
íslenski ferðaklasinn
hitt húsið
Hitt húsið

Contact Us

Bjargargata 1, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland


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